Merry Christmas from Pei Qing and Zixian!
We hope you like our gift! We have here a quick guide on how you could care for and nurture your new airplant.
What are airplants?
Air plants (Tillandsia spp.) are epiphytes, i.e. they don’t grow in soil. They can attach themselves to rocks, trees, shrubs, or the ground with their roots and are native to the Americas.
They’re also super hardy
There are more than 650 types of air plants. Many grow with strap-shape or slender triangle-shape leaves, and most have attractive tubular or funnel-shape flowers.
But do look after them
Those with silver foliage tend to be the most drought-tolerant; greener plants dry out faster.
What are their health benefits?
Clean Air
Fight off that cold quicker when they remove airborne contaminants that can cause headaches, allergies and more, while also putting out clean air, improving the air quality around them.
Lower Blood Pressure
People with indoor plants have been found to have less stress and lower blood pressure.
How do I care for them?
Easy to Grow
Air plants are resistant to pests and diseases, and are low maintenance. If they grow well they’ll even “give birth” to new airplants, called pups!
Put them under bright, indirect sunlight or fluorescent home/office lighting. Place them at least 1m away from a bright window. Excessive direct sunlight is harmful.
Mist them once a few days. Soak the plants in rain or tap water for about 5-10 minutes once a month. Turn them upside down and shake gently to dry them. Don’t give them too much water! If your air plant is getting dry brown tips or concave curve leaves, soak for about 20-30 mins and then water normally.
What’s this White Thing Growing on the Plant?
The white, fuzzy substance on the leaves are called Trichomes. They are small hairs which help the airplant absorb water and airborne minerals, and help them to regulate their temperature. They’re fine and a sign of a healthy plant!